“And the light shines in the darkness; and the darkness cannot overcome it!”

John 1:5
  • can you see it too? (a poem)

    can you see it too? (a poem)

    There is a whimsical notion bubbling inside of me.Maybe it’s from watching too many movies.Or maybe it’s from a place of hope that lives deep within.But I have this vision that appears in my mind.And as I close my eyes, I can see it all so clearly:It’s sometime in the…

  • I don’t know

    I don’t know

    I close my eyes and so many moments from this year flash before me, like a montage in a movie trailer. Moments, all I see are moments, brilliant, beautiful, breathtaking, light, hard, healing, heartbreaking, gut wrenching moments. They play out before me but sped up, like how you would fast…

  • the speed of god

    the speed of god

    “God’s run is a peaceful one.” I read this sentence in a devotional the other morning and it stopped me in my tracks. That’s exactly what I want, I thought to myself. It suddenly became so clear, what I deeply desire and most long for in this life is to…